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About Us

About Us
Fountain of Life Church Roanoke

Fountain of Life Church ("FOLC") is a nondenominational, Protestant Christian church.  Nondenominational means that we are not joined to a particular denominational structure.  We wholeheartedly embrace our spiritual and historical relationship to the visible and universal Church of the Lord Jesus Christ.  FOLC is led and served by a plurality of elders, deacons, and deaconesses; but the polity of the church is vested in the members of the congregation.  We desire to be an embassy of grace telling everyone about the mercy of God who saves sinners by His Son Jesus Christ.

Our corporate worship is God-centered, biblically instructed, and Gospel-oriented.  We believe that Christians, by the Holy Spirit's indwelling, are to worship God with their whole being.  So, Christian worship corporately is to be with passion and affection in faith, responding to God's grace.  We worship with thoughtful reflection and in truth because God has communicated to us in His word, the Bible.  Our worship also includes the sacraments of Baptism and the Lord's Supper.  To worship in faith means that we hear God's word, believe, give thanks, and submit to Him because we are His workmanship in Christ Jesus (Ephesians 2:10).

Our prayer is that unbelievers who visit FOLC will be drawn to Christ by the proclamation of the Gospel and the work of the Holy Spirit and that they would hear sound biblical reasons for why we believe what we do.  We welcome anyone to come and consider the verity of the Christian worldview which is built on God's word and the person and work of Jesus Christ.

Our Pastor:
Pastor Todd Shell & Wife April

(Pictured with wife April)



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